Monday, February 16, 2009


What a quack! Took 2 minutes to look at me and diagnose Acute Bronchitis. I did have enough presence of mind to remind him there was no phlegm involved(ech!). His response, "well... you are a smoker". "Yes, but I've never had a respiratory illness before". "Weeeelll...that's what happens to you smokers".HUH???!!! So, he proceeds to prescribe Zithromax/Tessalon and Guaifinesin and out the door he goes. Three medications. I HATE PILLS! But, he is the professional and I'm so sick, I agree to take them. It was a five day dose and I am just as miserable as five days ago. Now the headaches have kicked in. I'm so weak, I can hardly get around. I'm tough but this was not fun. I don't want to go back to that GOON. Then, I realize... Hey, I've got health insurance.

1 comment:

  1. Ignorance IS Bliss.....

    I know your pain as far as having to endure one None informed Doctor after another....sooo depressing!!!
