Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Boy, did I have some research to do when I got home. Sarcoidosis.Compared to what is out there now, it wasn't much. Most sites said people didn't even know they had it. Other sites said medication probably wasn't needed unless there was organ involvement. Just trying to educate myself and cross check the meaning of words and comprehend was mindboggling. I researched every blood test, every medication, every theory in relationship to both Lupus and Sarcoid. I started to get a little worse. I was getting dizzy and a little off balance but attributed it to my eyes being dialated and/or the chemicals from the meds (did I mention, I don't like pills?) I was also getting ringing in my ears and not the wedding kind but more like a high whine. I had lost about 15 lbs but that was small consolation. I understood I would probably gain it all back and then some on the Pred. Worrying about weight was the last thing on my mind. I FELT AWFUL!
Mario will be home in a couple of days. It feels like he's been gone for a year. I'm not sure he comprehended everything that was happening but how could he. I remember hoping that he was the man I thought he was because I was sure gonna need him. My dog and cat weren't any better and thought I would go ahead and schedule with the vet...

1 comment:

  1. "......I researched every blood test, every medication, every theory in relationship to both Lupus and Sarcoid...."

    Same Here.

    I remember the dizziness as if it were yesterday (and it was 17 yrs. ago).

